Success Stories
Stories of Preventing, Healing, and Transforming through Empowerment Self-Defense
Presented at the 2019 National Sexual Assault Conference. Click the title to view.
Take Your Power: A Graduate’s Story
I was on a 4th date with a charming grad student I met at a lecture. We were sipping wine in his apartment when a dumb joke led to a sweet first kiss. The first kiss quickly and aggressively turned into an attempt at rape.
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Community Programs: Lilian
When Lilian Calderon participated in an IMPACT workshop last Fall she never believed that only two hours of training would give her what she needed to stop an assault. Lilian participated in the workshop as part of a retreat for the staff of Renewal House, a Boston-area domestic violence program. “When I think about the day we took the training I remember saying to myself, ‘I don’t understand why we’re doing this.’ It was fun to learn but I didn’t think I’d ever need it,” she said. Then, just before nine one Thursday morning, Lilian was walking to work from the subway when a man with a knife came up behind her and cut the straps of her handbag.
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IMPACT:Ability: Getting Help
After taking our IMPACT:Ability course, a woman with an intellectual disability used the skills she learned in class to try to prevent a male staff member from sexually assaulting her.
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KidSafe: Jack
My 6-year old son Jack participated in a two-day KidSafe program. The class addressed a variety of issues from bullying to how to react to unsafe strangers. Instructors gave very clear and specific instructions, demonstrated recommended behaviors, and ran students through a series of enactments, each scenario building on the previous one so that all the kids could follow along.
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Women’s Basics: Vicky and Jamie
Before my 16-year-old daughter Jamie traveled to Ghana to take part in a veterinary assisting program this summer I insisted she take an IMPACT class. As her Mom I knew she was empathic and giving, and that she did not know how to say no or set boundaries.
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IMPACT:Ability: Sonia
I am the mother of two eighteen-year-old daughters with Autism Spectrum Disorder who attend the Boston Public Schools. Through their amazing experience of participating in just one IMPACT session, I was able to see first hand that the skills, training and scenarios really work. Seeing my daughters pick up the skills quickly, and re-enact each scenario to show what they learned was one of the most gratifying feelings I could have as a parent of young adults with intellectual disabilities.
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Women’s Basics: Zayda
Zayda Gonzalez had just parked her car when a man rushed toward her and tried to open the door. She hit the lock button but the man persisted, grabbing the door handle and trying to force it open.
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Men’s Basics: Greg
Recently a friend and I were leaving a bar late in the evening. My friend stopped outside the bar to have a cigarette before getting into my car. There was an obviously intoxicated patron standing outside within earshot arguing with Security. After a few exchanges, the bouncer told him not to come back or he would call the police. Though we were minding our own business, the guy came over and started badgering my friend. Now, my friend has a mouth on him, but at first he was rather subdued and respectful in his demeanor. That was, until the guy grabbed his arm.
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LGBTQ Basics: A Graduate’s Story
The night I graduated from my LGBTQ Basics class I took the T home. My girlfriend had come to my graduation and we were smiling and joking about all of my new moves. We sat down on the train and something not so uncommon happened: a man approached and began insulting us. He called us “homos.” He looked disgusted and he actually spit before he eventually got off the train. This wasn’t the first time that I was harassed and I expect that it won’t be the last. What was unique about this experience is that it happened AFTER my IMPACT class, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel afraid.
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Parental Confidence: Katy
What I learned from IMPACT is the importance of following my gut and not being afraid to say "NO!!!" or in this case, to say something, maybe quieter, but to LISTEN to my inner voice and to feel comfortable setting boundaries. As a mother, I needed to feel comfortable being bolder to protect my kids and not worry so much if I offended anyone. IMPACT did that for me. The class did not make me more suspicious, just more aware.
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For more information call (781) 321-3900 or email us at info@impactboston.org