Survivors of Abuse & Trauma
All IMPACT classes are taught with an awareness of the lasting effects of abuse and trauma. Survivors regularly participate in all our women’s, men’s, LGBTQ, and youth classes. Some survivors prefer IMPACT classes that are specifically designed for people who have experienced abuse. Survivor classes have a deeper focus on the ways in which abuse affects people’s experiences of their bodies and their safety.
IMPACT has scholarships available for all classes and we also accept payment through the Massachusetts Victim’s Compensation program
To apply for a scholarship please visit the “Scholarship Opportunities ” page located at the bottom of the CLASSES menu.
To pay through Victim’s Compensation please email us at: registration@impactboston.org
*Unless otherwise stated, all classes are located at 420 Pearl Street in Malden, MA.
Introduction to IMPACT for Trauma Survivors
6 hours, all genders, ages 14+
Course fee: $150
This class provides a slow and gradual introduction to physical and verbal IMPACT self-defense skills. This six hour course allows students to learn basic self-defense skills as well as discuss trauma responses and how they affect the body.
Upcoming Intro to IMPACT for Trauma Survivors Classes: TBD
Take Your Power
Take Your Power combines IMPACT’s physical and verbal safety skills with a unique curriculum focused on healthy relationships, negotiation skills, and healthy sexuality. Take your power is a 10-week program that includes both self-defense training sessions and non-physical support and education group sessions.
Class not currently scheduled. To inquire about a private group or be placed on the wait list contact 781-321-3900 or registration@impactboston.org
For more information call (781) 321-3900 or email us at info@impactboston.org