Twenty-two years ago I walked into my first IMPACT class. I was excited, afraid, and hopeful. I looked around the room and saw the big padded suits the instructors wore. I wondered if I would really be able to defend myself against a person that big. 

I was lucky that Kathy Brophy was a member of the teaching team. She was a high school teacher in the early stages of training to be an IMPACT instructor. She had big plans to bring IMPACT to her students.

What I remember most about Kathy is how present she was. She seemed to know exactly what we needed – a compassionate listener, a cheerleader, or a little extra help with a technique. No matter what was happening in that class, I always knew I could turn to Kathy for support, encouragement, or practical help.

What I remember most about Kathy is how present she was. She seemed to know exactly what we needed – a compassionate listener, a cheerleader, or a little extra help with a technique. No matter what was happening in that class, I always knew I could turn to Kathy for support, encouragement, or practical help.

Since that day, I have had the honor of working with Kathy for over 20 years. In that time, she has brought IMPACT to three different high schools, and for the past seventeen years she’s made our program an integral part of the Wellesley High School curriculum. Kathy built a semester-long course around the IMPACT program. Students know it as Power Up. Collaborating with REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, her students have gotten a comprehensive education about safe and healthy relationships and boundaries. They’ve learned about themselves, their values, and their priorities. These are life skills that will serve them well in the present and for years to come.

Kathy has built support for this program among teachers, administrators, parents and other students. Every time I attend an IMPACT graduation at Wellesely High School, the room is filled with cheering supporters, all of whom deeply understand the importance of this work. The enthusiasm is palpable, and I always leave feeling moved and inspired.

Last week I had the honor of celebrating Kathy’s retirement. In 31 years as a public school teacher, she has inspired countless students, some of whom came back to celebrate with her. 

There was a poster on an easel that was full of testimonials from Power Up students. Here are some of their reflections:

“This class intimidated me a ton at first but I’m so glad I took it. I struggled with speaking up and it helped me to find my voice.”

“This class will help you find confidence in any situation and I’m glad I took it.”

I am thankful to Kathy for everything she has done for IMPACT over the years. And just as thankful to the leadership at Wellesley High School for their commitment to continuing this important work.