Note from the ED: Think Critically About Safety Advice

Someone Tells You Not to “Walk Like a Victim”? When I started teaching self-defense more than 20 years ago, I was told about a study that supposedly explained how attackers choose their victims. Video tapes of people walking down a crowded street in New York City were...

Dispatch from a Suit

When asked what I do for work, people are often entertained or surprised by my answer, which ranges from “I am a self-defense instructor at IMPACT Boston– we work within the model of Empowerment Self Defense, a feminist framework through which we teach everyday...

Green Flags

A couple nurturing a plant together that symbolizes their relationship. The flower of the plant is a heart. Red flags are a popular topic in our classes. We teach self-defense for worst-case scenario situations, but just like in sports, your best defense is a strong...

The Calculations We Make

A woman walking at night. It’s nighttime, and the street is not quite as populated or well-lit as I thought it would be. Mostly I’m alone or there’s one other person, always a man. The walk to my car is only about 8 minutes, but I’m already starting to regret...

Taking Self-Defense Into a Time Machine

Photo credit: Daniele Franchi / Unsplash To protect herself from the assault, Y froze. Trauma was beginning to set in. But once she was ina safe space back at home, Y’s roommate L led her through movement therapy, and traumaultimately did not set in. The...