Dethroning Microaggressions

“Where are you really from?”“Which one of your parents is stricter?”“But your English is so good!”“I bet you’re really good in bed.”“How come you don’t have an accent?”“You’re too Asian.”“You’re not Asian enough.”“You must be adopted.”“Well, you don’t look...

Anthony’s Ceiling

“What I ended up feeling when I was talking to girls was that they were systematically disconnected from their bodies, and with boys it was that they were systematically disconnected from their hearts.” – Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex and Boys & Sex...

Safety & Empowerment for Women of Color

When I think about safety, and how complex that concept can be, I think about the iceberg-depths of what that can mean for women of color, especially those who are survivors of abuse. With the recent surge of the Black Lives Matter Movement, and the suffering we all...

Staff Spotlight: Jeanine Buonopane

Meet Jeanine, a Peer IMPACT Peer Leader Trainer who has been involved with IMPACT for 3 years. Jeanine co-leads Peer IMPACT—our leadership program that brings together middle school students with and without disabilities to challenge bullying and make their school...

Reversing the Bystander Effect

“Bystander” is a powerful concept. Few things are more comforting in the face of danger than the presence of someone who is willing to intervene on your behalf. Few things are more terrifying than the absence of help. But witnesses to violence are also notoriously...